International Airport Summit 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

13th — 14th November 2024

Laxman Moyo

Laxman Moyo

Director Aviation Security

Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe

Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe logo

Laxman has seven years of experience as Head of the Aviation Security oversight function. His interest in risk management, including the development of risk- based aviation security measures, has seen him taking keen interest in studying emerging threats to civil aviation.

The evolving and sophisticated nature of security has seen human trafficking, cyberattacks and insider threat being topical discussion points. They require particular attention as part of global efforts to prevent acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation. Laxman is looking forward to sharing his perspective and best practice in the panel: Security measures against rebounding and emerging threats.

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Panel Discussion

10.40 am

Security measures against rebounding and emerging threats

In an ever-evolving landscape of global security challenges, airports play a critical role in safeguarding passengers, personnel, and infrastructure against a wide range of threats. This panel gathers security experts and industry leaders to discuss proactive strategies, innovative technologies and collaborative approaches to address evolving threats and ensure the safety and security of airports worldwide. Join this session to hear airports discuss:

  • Current and emerging threats – terrorism, cyber-attacks, insider threats and biological hazards
  • Innovative security technologies being deployed such as passenger screening, baggage inspection, and cargo security
  • How airport security personnel are trained and equipped to respond effectively to security incidents
Oliver Braun with Berlin Airport logo
Oliver Braun

Head of Security
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg

Laxman Moyo with Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe logo
Laxman Moyo

Director Aviation Security
Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe

Oana Muresan with OSL logo
Oana Muresan

Head of Business Development

Billy Shallow with ACI logo
Moderator: Billy Shallow

Senior Director of Security, Technology and Innovation
ACI World