International Airport Summit 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

13th — 14th November 2024

David Zwaaf

David Zwaaf

Capacity Management Expert


LVNL logo

David Zwaaf joined LVNL in 2006 and build up 18 years’ experience in ATM design and development. Amongst these projects was the successful implementation of Airport CDM at Schiphol. He is currently Senior Capacity Management Expert. Since the implementation of Intelligent Approach, he is responsible for the benefit analyses of the RECAT-EU and Time Based Separation operation at Schiphol airport.

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Fireside Chat

10.20 am

Maximising airport capacity without capital investment

With demand now back to or even exceeding pre-pandemic levels, airports and air traffic service providers are facing renewed pressure to deliver enhanced and resilient airspace and runway capacity.

In this session, our panel will explore how airport operators can harness technology to maximise efficiency and runway throughput without the need to invest in hugely expensive and time-consuming ground-based infrastructure projects.

Ben Sandford with NATS logo
Ben Sandford

Product Manager

David Zwaaf with LVNL logo
David Zwaaf

Capacity Management Expert