International Airport Summit 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

13th — 14th November 2024

Chris Woodroofe

Chris Woodroofe

Managing Director

Manchester Airport

MAG Manchester Airport logo

Chris was appointed Managing Director of Manchester Airport in June 2022.

He previously served as Chief Operating Officer at London Gatwick Airport where he led numerous successful people, process and system change programmes. Prior to that, he held a number of senior positions at the airport including Head of Engineering and Head of Security.

Chris is a chartered chemical engineer who left Imperial College, London, with a first class masters degree to join Nestle UK’s graduate scheme. He also holds an MBA with distinction from the University of Warwick.

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Fireside Chat

4.10 pm

From booking to boarding – creating seamless CX

Traditional airports organise in distinctive silos that separate the procurement, management and operations of the network infrastructure. Different stakeholders within the airport ‘own’ each of these systems and work to their individual ends to develop solutions that work within their silos of responsibility. However, this often leads to a fragmented airport experience and the nodes between each part of the passenger journey are not always as smooth as they could be. In order to promote a truly seamless airport experience, each department must be in constant collaboration with each other and always have the passenger at the heart of all their decisions. How can you:

  • Unify processes to make the passenger experience seamless?
  • Encourage cross-party communication and enforce a shared vision?
  • Truly understand what an ideal experience looks like for the different types of traveller, and design an experience that meets all their needs.
  • Take best practice inspiration from airports leading the way in CX?
Phil Malem with Impact logo
Phil Malem


Chris Woodroofe with MAG Manchester Airport logo
Chris Woodroofe

Managing Director
Manchester Airport (MAG)

Tijn Borms with Schiphol logo
Moderator: Tijn Borms

Director of Product
Amsterdam Airport Schipol

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Case Study

11.50 am

Case Study:

Installing cutting-edge security technology

New scanners are being implemented to detect prohibited items with greater accuracy, which will make air travel safer and easier for passengers. The security experience is getting smoother as liquid limits increase and passengers can keep laptops and tablets in their bags. But with new equipment putting new pressures on airport teams, here’s what to expect:

  • New technology and the impact on passengers and airport security
  • Embracing innovation and being early adopters of new tech
  • Overcoming the challenges of delivering major upgrades in a live operational environment
Chris Woodroofe with MAG Manchester Airport logo
Chris Woodroofe

Managing Director
Manchester Airport (MAG)