International Airport Summit 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

13th — 14th November 2024

Thomas Romig

Thomas Romig

Chief Operations Officer

Brussels Airport

Aeroport Bruxelles logo

Thomas Romig joined Airports Council International (ACI) in November 2020 as Vice President Safety, Security and Operations. He heads up all advocacy efforts and programme areas related to airport operations – ranging from Airside Safety and Capacity through to Cargo, Facilitation and Security and across into Innovation and IT.

Prior to this, he held a number of senior leadership positions at Geneva Airport in Switzerland, both in Safety and then Operations where among his multiple functions he was in charge of the development of the Airport Operations Center, the day-to-day management of airport operations and all the master planning activities.

Over the years he has been strongly involved in ICAO and EASA regulatory activities as a representative of the airport’s community through ACI. He still very much involved in ICAO Regulatory affairs and developments and the nominated ACI Observer on the ICAO Air Navigation Commission.

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Opening Keynote

9.10 am

Keynote CEO forum:

What’s keeping them awake at night?

An airport CEO role is not for the faint hearted. CEOs are responsible for the mammoth tasks of operating an airport and ensuring a good passenger experience; driving revenue growth; managing operational disruptions and ensuring regulatory compliance, all while safeguarding their airport from external threats and being scrutinised by the press and the surrounding community as the public ‘face’ of the airport.

Airport CEO’s must manage responsibilities and challenges while facing the ever-changing socio-economic environment of the industry’s affairs. Panellists will address challenges they have faced in trying to remain financially and socially viable in tough circumstances, including:

  • Balancing the pursuit of growth with sustainability goals
  • Ensuring operational resilience in the face of disruption
  • Attracting investment to meet future capability and capacity demands
Piervittorio Farabbi with Tirana Airport logo
Piervittorio Farabbi

Chief Operations Officer
Tirana Airport

Johanne Gallant with Fredericton International Airport YFC logo
Johanne Gallant

President & CEO
Fredericton International Airport

Nazareno Ventola with Bologna International Airport logo (v2)
Nazareno Ventola

CEO and MD
Bologna International Airport

Thomas Romig with Aeroport Bruxelles logo
Moderator: Thomas Romig

Chief Operations Officer
Brussels Airport